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Toast to Popcorn - Discover to Popping reason !

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Toast to Popcorn - Discover to Popping reason !

HospiBuz Desk

Celebrate International Popcorn Day by Poping some Corns!!!.....

Imagine you went for a movie and find out there is no popcorn popping machine, I am sure half of your mood will be spoiled. That’s the impact popcorns have on our lives. Popcorn, also known as popping corn is a special variety of corn.

publive-imageDISCOVERY:In the ancient times, Popcorn was used as decoration for ceremonial headdresses, necklaces and ornaments on statues of gods. Some colonial housewife served popcorn with sugar and cream for breakfast. More than 4000 years old, the earliest popcorn kernels were discovered in a Mexican Bat cave once occupied by the Cochise Indians. Native Americans first discovered popcorn thousands of years ago in Guatemala. It was popped in China during the Song dynasty as well as in Sumatra and India long before Columbus reached America.

FUN FACT:According to popcorn board, Americans consume about 51 quarts of popcorn per year.


Here are some amazing fun facts about our favourite snack popcorn-

Old still Gold

People have been enjoying popcorn for thousands of years, researchers stumbled across,1000 years old popcorn that was still freshly preserved. Popcorn is a type of maize (or corn), a member of the grass family and is scientifically known as Zea Mays Everta. The popcorn variety of maize was domesticated by Pre-Columbian indigenous peoples by 5000 B.C.E. Popcorn from thousands of years is the best snack till date.

Healthy & Refreshing snack

You can throw away the fattening cookies and sugary sodas snack with confidence on popcorn. According to the USDA website, popcorn has the following nutrients, Energy level- 110 kcal, Protein -3.67g, Carbohydrates- 22.08g & Total Diety fibres - 4.1g. The University of Scranton in Pennsylvania reported in 2012 that popcorn has more antioxidant substances called polyphenols than fruits and vegetables. It is low in calories as compared to other snack and contains only 31 calories in one cup, popcorn has more protein than any other cereal grain, and because of fibre, relatively low calories and other factors popcorn can help with weight loss.

Mushroom & Snowflake

When popped, it comes in two different shape- Snowflake and Mushroom. Snowflake is bigger and pops better too while Mushroom is used for candy confections as it does not crumble. The unpopped kernels at the bottom of your bowl are called ‘old maids’.

Why Popcorn Pops?

Each kernel contains a small drop of water inside a circle of soft starch surrounded by the hard outer surface, as the kernel heats, the drop of water expands and pressure starts to build up and when the hard surface eventually gives way, the popcorn explodes. During the explosion, the soft starch inside the kernel inflated and bursts turning the entire kernel inside out.

Grab a big bucket of Popcorn and enjoy your day!!!