Celebrate Christmas with Special Festive Cocktails at Olive Bar & Kitchen, Bandra

Celebrate Christmas with Special Festive Cocktails at Olive Bar & Kitchen, Bandra

Olive Bar and Kitchen, Bandra, the Olive Group’s flagship property, is getting into the Christmas spirit with a special festive cocktails menu, being served from December 21-31, 2019.


Guests can enjoy merry options like Mulled Wine; Eggnog; Yum Plum, plum cake-infused vodka, chocolate liqueur, raisin syrup and triple sec; Spiced Hot Chocolate, whiskey, spiced hot chocolate, whipped cream and star anise pod; Strawberry Gin Fizz, fresh strawberries, gin, lime and sparkling wine; Great Sparkle, pomegranate juice and sparkling wine; and Jingle Juice, rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, lime and cherry.


The special festive cocktails menu at Olive Bar & Kitchen, Bandra will be served from December 21-December 31, 2019, only.

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